Security Applications

Security Applications

1.File Security Software For Window

File security involves access control to data, on a device or network, and modification of that data by only wicked individuals. One of the more powerful file security techniques is encryption of files.Encryption is an algorithmic action which changes the plain text/ readable data into an unreadable form that in most cases cannot be correlated with the data, and this is done using an encryption key. This prevents people without the decryption key from using data even after gaining access to it.

File security through the means of encryption can provide the following key advantages:

Data Confidentiality: The decryption key holds so much power, only persons with the correct key have the privilege to access any information.

Integrity: Data integrity is the quality of data that has not been altered has been maintained during data communication or data storage.

Authentication: Limited access to sensitive data is verified through confirming user’s identities.

Non-repudiation: It is possible to verify whether data has been created in such a way that people can not deny actions that have been done in regard to the data.

There are different algorithms and encryption standards used to cater for varying degrees of security layers and performance metrics such as the level of security or performance metrics that need to be achieved, AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), RSA and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) are some of the examples.

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2.Flash Monitor (I care)

Flash Monitor is versatile software which helps keep your laptop or computer in check even while you’re away from it. This application allows the users to manage, monitor and strengthen the security of their system from other locations other than the premises. The application finds its usage as a control tool both for parents and employers.

Here are some Key Features and Benefits of Flash Monitor:

Remote Monitoring: This device allows users to remotely monitor their laptops or computers and real time as well.

Unauthorized Access Detection: The application is able to send in alerts to the user for those who are using the device for unapproved activities.

Parental Control: Parents can monitor Flash Monitor so that they watch over them for unwanted content and behavior while they use their computers.

Employee Monitoring: A suitable application for businesses since it keeps a check on employees working time on engage in leisure activities.

User Activity Logs: The application keeps a thorough record of activity log including websites accessed, applications used and files.This log can be valuable for reviewing actions and identifying potential security risks.

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